Caulishoots: Driving supply to fit demand


What is it ?

We are currently one of the only stockists of this BRAND NEW crop. We are still working with the farm and seed house to further develop this product but we have a good supply. A new variety of cauliflower that shoots small heads on a tender, tasty and juicy stalk, harvested daily to pick uniform crop that is turning heads in the kitchen!


The consumer demands a quick to prep, easy to eat, delicious and fun to cook in different ways. So why not work with our growers to help them bring this product to the market.

How to ?

Grilled, naked on coals, over fire and baked, these shoots work amazingly with a slight char and a small sauce of sort. Please do drop us a line if you would like more information.

When ?

Spanish season: November - March

Sussex season: June - November

Tom Denman